Since arriving in Buenos Aires late at night, I didn’t see much of the farm in the dark. I had a brief tour of the farm house, but with limited lighting. The farm house is BEAUTIFUL! After a much-needed night of sleep, I woke up to an AWESOME surprise and tour of Las Nenas. The street dog pack followed us around the farm as I saw all of the horses and fields. Two females are pregnant and will probably give birth the day after I leave, but they are beautiful and I’m sure their babies will be too. I was able to pet two horses (a young filly and a young stallion) that haven’t yet been broken or ridden. I’m sure they will make awesome polo ponies, since they seem to be inherently attracted to people (and dogs – the dogs follow the horses around too)
Later that afternoon we took a few of the polo ponies out to the field to run around. Of course, I was stuck on the poor lame pony, who was only supposed to walk around and “walk it off” – they were at the farrier for new shoes that week and apparently her shoes were taking a minute to break in. Once she saw the other ponies running through the polo exercises, her desire to run was greater than the ache in her foot, and she took off! It’s been a minute since I cantered or galloped on a horse, so I flopped around for a few minutes, with everyone screaming instructions at me from the other side of the field. Soon enough, I was galloping along, chasing the ball around the field with the other ponies! The little unbroken filly came to the polo field fence, ears perked forward and intently watching us. Maybe next year she’ll be broken and playing polo too!
That night I went into downtown Buenos Aires (also known as B.A.) to have dinner with friends of friends and tour the city. Again, up until the wee hours of the morning – they party hard in B.A.
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