March 15, 2011

off to japan

Less than 24 hours ago, I was half-sleeping/half-lazy in bed when my phone rang. When I saw the World Vet director's name pop up on my caller ID, I knew I was going to Japan. I just didn't realize it would be so soon... like... NOW! Before you could say "tsunami" my bags were packed and I was off to the airport, making last minute arrangements and phone calls along the way. Last night at around 11pm local time I arrived in Fargo, ND at World Vets headquarters. Packed, repacked and took a quick shower (maybe my last one in a few days?) and got about 3 hours of sleep before the alarm went off at 4:15am. Then back to the airport in Fargo, currently in Salt Lake City en route to San Francisco then Tokyo.

I've been trying to avoid the media as much as possible because the repetitive stories and video clips meant to induce hysteria. But I've seen quite a bit in the last 24 hours now that I'm camped out in airports and CNN is on tap 24/7. I have a big bag of veterinary supplies and some contact information - will be (hopefully) meeting up with some other animal/veterinary humane aid groups in Tokyo Wednesday night (Wednesday morning back home?? I'm too tired to do math) to see what sort of veterinary aid is needed/will be needed and how to proceed from here.

If you're interested in sending support ($ or otherwise) or staying in tune with what I'm doing please check out the World Vets website

I will try to post as much as possible over the next week - NO clue what sort of situation I'm going into and internet/electricity may be limited at best.

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