Last night we all had dinner with the SODOPRECA gang on the malecone - it was Dominican Carnaval, so we were surprised with a firework show after dinner. I was more excited about the hot shower I had at the hotel post-airport, but feel like my soul washed down the drain with the Haitian dirt. I didn't watch TV or listen to radio in Haiti (just MP's greatest hits of the 80's over and over and over again) so I was out of the loop on current events. I didn't know about Chile. I couldn't (still can't) believe it. The planet is trying to shake us off like fleas. I sent an email to some Ecuador and Argentina friends - the news said the 8.8 mag earthquake was felt all the way across the continent in Buenos Aires. I hope everyone is OK, so far it seems like Chile got the worst of it.
Coming off the plane in DR, we were all coming from Haiti - it was strange, no one talked, no one smiled, no one moved. We just sort of slumped down in the plane seats and breathed a collective sigh of relief. Our passports weren't stamped going into or coming out of Haiti, so according to my passport, I was officially M.I.A. from February 21 till February 27th. There was also no talking, no smiling in the airport. The guy who stamped my passport smiled at me and said "Gracias por su servicio" (Thank you for your service) - that was nice and made me smile :)
Today most of our group left in the morning - JG and I hung out at EF's family's house, ate lunch, chilled out, and killed time before the airport. There was a dog at the hair salon/house down the block that had a skin issue of sorts. JG and I gave the dog an ivermectin injection and some vitamin B, then the ladies "repaid" us with a little beauty salon treatment - eyebrows and hair styles. Note the before and after pictures:
There is a delay of some sort at the airport (something about snow in NYC?? Jezus, seriously??) and there are about 7 screaming children in the waiting area for our flight. I just want to get home. This is one vacation I need a vacation from.
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