ARCH was formed by the bigwigs in the animal welfare world in response to the earthquake - WSPA, IFAW and other groups came together to provide aid to the Haitian animals. SODOPRECA became the middleman - arranging and providing logistical support to groups going to Haiti. They pooled resources and provided money, donations, supplies, medicine, man power etc etc etc.
As of last week ARCH canceled their contract with SODOPRECA and no one knows why. They pulled out their support, camps and supplies. That's another interesting topic. We were told (but figured as such anyways) that accommodations would be minimal at best. We're loaded down with camping supplies - tents, sleeping bags, pads, etc. Come to find out (from SODOPRECA) that the ARCH teams were staying at the house of some up & up in the Haitian government.
As I've mentioned before its totally embarrassing to be an American overseas. Everyone here is grateful to have our help, but is totally drained of funds and still waiting for ARCH to cut them a check for the last few weeks of supplies. In the meantime, the bills are on EF's credit card (remember EF? The full time volunteer/law student? Yeah - she's the one). While it may have been poor judgment on her part, she's currently funding and planning the SODOPRECA response in Haiti.
Really, Americans?
EF coordinated free air tickets to/from Haiti with a UN group called World Food Programme (probably from Norway or Holland or Sweden - they all look like Swiss Family Robinson) but originally it was going to cost $250 to get to Haiti by plane. Driving is a sketchy option, as the border is only open twice a day, so foreigners hanging out in their cars are easy targets for looting.
ARCH took back their trucks and fuel (the literally version of "I'm gonna take my little red wagon and go home") so SODOPRECA scrambled to keep sh*t together for the 5 of us. We are supposedly camping in a free zone with people from Venezuela, Bolivia and Brazil. Which is totally embarrassing since we're Americans? JG and I donated our intended $250 for airfare to pay on the rental truck tab and fuel. Why that's even an issue when ASPCA alone has raised over $100,000 for Haiti, I don't know.
So it sounds like a typical case of Whistle-Clipboard Syndrome - give someone some power and stand the f*ck back. Apparently it doesn't matter where in the world that is.
So now SODOPRECA is essentially begging for support. They know we are independent volunteers, but they know we have connections, and are trying to get help for the future. They don't give a sh*t who helps, just so long as they help. Unfortunately, since no one seems to know why ARCH is pissed off at SODOPRECA, anyone not part of ARCH is hesitant to get in the middle for fear of an NGO bitch fight.
Remind me again why we're hear?
The animals?
As such, I'm on a slight scouting mission to find out the 411 on ARCH - who's in charge and why they're calling these shots. People in the states are lined up to help, but no one from ARCH wants them. Just the money. But if the money isn't going to SODOPRECA (who, according to the WSPA website is the logistic coordinator in DR for Haitian animal aid) where is it going? Are the gringos doing an embarrassing "living large" in an earthquake ravaged 3rd world country?
The best/worst story I've heard yet is from a SODOPRECA gringo volunteer who was in Haiti a week or so back. A Haitian husband/wife couple approached him on the street - the husband offered to let the volunteer have sex with his wife in exchange for some food. And people are fighting over who gets to wear the ARCH badge and call the shots?
Our plane will be landing in about 10 minutes - full of international volunteers. I can't wait to see what sort of chaos is waiting for us - natural AND man-made.
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